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Electronic Shelf Labels
Counting Solutions


The use of electronic shelf labels, also known as digital or electronic labels, has several advantages compared to traditional paper-based price tags:

  • Flexibility and Easy Updates: Electronic shelf labels allow prices and product information to be updated quickly and easily. This is especially useful in environments where prices change frequently, such as stores with frequent sales or grocery stores where prices may change due to promotions or shifts in supply and demand.
  • Reduced Margin of Error: Automated price tags reduce the risk of errors in prices and product information that can occur when prices must be manually changed on paper-based tags. This helps prevent customer frustration and improves the store's reputation.
  • Time Savings: By eliminating the need for manual price tag updates, employees can focus on other tasks, such as customer service and sales promotion activities.
  • Reliability: Electronic shelf labels ensure correct pricing and product information across different parts of the store and/or online store. This helps avoid customer confusion and creates a better shopping experience.
  • Environmentally Friendly: By reducing the need for printing paper-based price tags, electronic shelf labels help decrease paper usage and thereby reduce environmental impact.
  • Dynamic Content: Electronic shelf labels provide the ability to display dynamic content in addition to prices, such as product reviews, promotions, and other relevant information that can influence purchasing decisions.
  • Remote Control and Automation: Our electronic shelf labels can be remotely controlled from our cloud solution, allowing prices and content to be updated across multiple stores from one location. This increases efficiency and reduces the need for manual intervention.

Overall, the use of electronic shelf labels can improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, and environmental friendliness in retail environments.

Contact us for a non-binding offer today and gain control over pricing in all your stores!

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